The Uganda Olympic Committee (UOC) held an Extra-Ordinary General Assembly geared towards amending its constitution on the 16th of September, 2017. This was a follow up to the UOC Council meeting that was held on the 17th June, 2017 where it was agreed that the UOC committed to revising its constitution to align it to the laws of Uganda. Out of the Twenty-three (23) UOC members, twenty-one (21) of the members were present and in approval of the amendment.
It was agreed that to stand for the posts of President, Vice President, Secretary General or Asst. Secretary General, the candidate must be at least thirty five (35) years of age and not over seventy (70) years, holder of the minimum of a bachelor’s degree from a recognizable institution, and a holder of a diploma in sports from a recognizable institution where the candidate has a sports degree, possess demonstrable knowledge and experience in leadership, organizational competence and a good standing of the Olympic movement and sports in general, a person of integrity and should not have been convicted of an a]offence involving moral turpitude and must have financial integrity and not be an undischarged bankrupt.
As members passed the above amendments unanimously there was hot debate on the age limit as a delegate from canoe Mr. Isma IGA objected the 35 years proposing 30 years but was out voted by the members. In so doing the Assembly passed the minimum age limit as 35 years and 70 years as the maximum to stand for the above positions