CGAU conducts its first briefing meeting for the Common Wealth games Birmlngham 2022

In preparation for the Birmingham 2022 commonwealth games, the Commonwealth Games Association-Uganda held its first briefing meeting for its member Federations.

The meeting was held on the Saturday 26th June 2021, and commenced at 11:00AM as called to order with an opening prayer from Mr. Ganzi Mugula. The main purpose of the meeting was to organize and urge the Federation to start Organizing their athletes prepare them for the B2022 Commonwealth Games amidst the existing Covid-19 Pandemic. During the meeting, the secretary general highlighted that invitations were sent to member federations regarding the Birmingham Common Wealth Games and included the qualification criteria, and the number of athletes and coaches. She also noted that the numbers may be reduced for sports with open allocations.

Mr.Moses Mwase the Vice President Technical / President Uganda Swimming Federation was presented to the members as CDM B2022 and the members confirmed his approval. Dr. Donald Rukare shared that there will be qualification requirements set, there will also be qualification criteria system that will be set by the IFs and also regarding the Organization process he said that there will be a Local Organizing Committee put in place to handle the Preparation process of the games.

It was also agreed during the meeting that members submit their Budgets, long list, their Qualification criteria and many others.

The president urged members to work as a team and come up with realistic Budgets.

The meeting ended at 12:34Pm with a closing prayer from Mr. Domenic Otucet the President Uganda Athletics Federation.

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